Sunday, August 9, 2015

After Action Report for Wavre Refight

I figured I'd post an AAR from our Waterloo weekend Wavre re-fight. We used our tried and true Age of Eagles rules and 15mm minis. The table hosted miniatures from old Minifigs, Old Glory, AB, Battle Honors, Blue Moon and a few assorted others. The terrain was Geo-Hex over a Games Workshop mat. The river and roads were made by War Gamer's Terrain. The scenario was from Age of Eagles Grognard.

The scenario itself is a little "what if" as it starts Grouchy's attack earlier in the day at 1:00 PM. The game is set for 7 turns ending at 4:30 PM assuming if Grouchy has not secured a crossing and exited a sufficient number of troops off the board to aid Napoleon he has failed his mission.

Initial set-up looking north over the Dyle River. The towns from left to right are Limale, Bierge Mill, Wavre, and Lower Wavre.

All Prussian units begin on the table and the French begin entering on the first turn. Initial Prussian deployment placed regulars in the towns with reservists and militia in reserve. The extreme western most crossing of Limelette was not covered at set up.

The first French to enter the table came straight toward Wavre. This was Vandamme. They divided their attack between Wavre and Bierge Mill. Vandamme was in no mood to storm the bridge at Wavre as it was well fortified. A brigade maintained pressure there as the main attack stormed the mill crossing. This attack was repulsed several times with little loss to the Prussians.

Prussian reserves behind Bierge Mill.

This wing of the attack quickly bogged down for the French. Assault after assault was repulsed.

Bierge Mill, mid-afternoon.
Gerard arrived but had trouble getting his corps moving. After some delay they fanned out and headed for the more lightly held crossings of Limale and Limalette. Prussian cavalry and artillery were rushed west to counter the new threat.

Gerard heads west.
As futile as the eastern sector was for Grouchy, the western valley erupted in a desperate struggle. Stengel's Prussian Brigade (detached from I Corps) held firm after repeated attacks at Limale. But alas the Prussians were stretched too thin and Gerard put infantry and cavalry across at Limalette.

Stengel's defense of Limale
The French cross the Dyle at Limalette!
The only immediate reserve to counter the French crossing was a small brigade of Prussian cavalry. In the best tradition of Blucher himself, they charged home slowing the French crossing and shattering one French brigade caught between their lances and the river. The Prussians began shifting eastern sector reserves west. At this late hour even a complete breakthrough at Wavre would not give the French enough time to reach their objectives. With more Prussians supporting the west, the game was put out of reach for Grouchy at 4:00 PM. The French player conceded defeat.

This was an excellent game. Dice rolls were pretty even with both sides failing their fair share of important roles. Losses for the Prussians were relatively light. The French suffered heavy casualties trying to cross the narrow river crossings. The outcome may have been entirely different had Gerard made more activation roles and gotten his corps moving west earlier.

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